Division of Animal Genetics
ANIMAL GENETICS Division, established in the year 1996 was formally approved in 2014 by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research with the objective ‘Molecular, immunological, biochemical, cytogenetic characterization and candidate gene analysis of livestock species’. Scientists of the Division are working in the fields of cytogenetics, immunogenetics, and molecular genetics. One of the important activities of the division is to provide consultancies/services for testing the breeding bulls for any inheritable abnormality and thus, generate revenue for the institute. The research findings have been published in reputed journals of high impact factor.
The thrust areas of the division include:
- Molecular characterization and population diversity analysis of native breeds of livestock and poultry using genome-wide molecular markers
- Developing molecular signature for native breeds
- Creation of genome assemblies for breeds of high importance
- Assessing the risk status of native breeds
- Ancestry analysis of native AnGR
- Optimisation of genomic selection in livestock species using genetic algorithms
- Identification of QTLs for traits of economic importance
- Development of DNA based tests for lethal genetic diseases in bovines
- Creation of databases and other ICT on AnGR for policy support in the country
- Development of Information System on Animal Genetic Resources of India
- DNA Testing for genetic defects in bovines such as BLAD, Citrullinemia, FXID, and DUMPS
The Division’s scientists are working as faculty at the ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal and teaching different PG courses to the students of different disciplines.