Ladakhi Cattle

National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources
Karnal-132001 (Haryana)

Ladakhi cattle are native to the Ladakh region of Jammu & Kashmir. These are small-sized and short-statured black or brown colored animals well adapted to extreme cold climatic and hypoxic conditions. The body is compact with short legs that make these cattle more adapted to mountainous terrains. These cattle are reared under the extensive system for milk, draft and manure purposes. Horns are curved slightly upward and forward ending with pointed tips over the forehead. Forehead is straight, small and hairy with slightly long face. The udder is small in size and bowl-shaped. Milk yield is around 2 to 5kg/day. Milk has a high fat percentage of around 5% and used mainly for producing butter and churpi, an important part of the diet of local people.

Ladakhi Female
Ladakhi Male