In the series of state-specific interface meets under “Mission towards zero non-descript AnGR of India”, ICAR-NBAGR organized 7th Interface meet for Telangana state on 10th January, 2022 online. The meet with a theme of “Characterization and Documentation of Animal Genetic Resources of Telangana: A Mission Towards Zero Non-Descript Populations” was attended by 223 participants including the Senior officers of ICAR, ICAR Institutes, PV Narasimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University, Hyderabad , Directorate of Animal Husbandry and Telangana State Biodiversity Board, Hyderabad, NGOs etc.
Dr BP Mishra, Director, ICAR-NBAGR, Karnal welcomed the participants and presented the Bureau’s activities and strategies for documenting non-descript populations in the country under the mission. Dr. Venugopal, Assistant Director, Animal Husbandry Deptt., Govt. of Telangana provided a glimpse of the status of Animal Genetic Resources of Telangana and discussed the development programs and policies for the AnGR of the state.
Dr. Shilpi Sharma from Telangana State Biodiversity Board, reiterated the need for conservation of indigenous germplasm of Telangana. Dr. B. Ekambaram, Director Research, PV Narasimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University, Hyderabad gave an exhaustive presentation on the “Status of AnGR of Telangana” and suggested prospective populations that can be taken up for characterization in future. Dr RK Pundir, Principal Scientist, ICAR-NBAGR, Karnal suggested the strategies that can be adopted for identification and registration of new populations as distinct breeds. During the interface meet, a panel of experts from ICAR institutes, State Veterinary University, Telangana State Biodiversity Board and WASSAN, Hyderabad provided important inputs for documentation of non-descript livestock and poultry genetic resources of the state