A program under Schedules Caste Sub-Plan (SCSP) was successfully organized at Mallimajra -Mustafabad village, in Yamunanagar district of Haryana on 13th March 2024. The area was selected based on its very high proportion of SC population in the State. An interactive programme with farmers and livestock keepers was conducted in Panchayat Bhawan of Mallimajra village. The programme was attended by about 125 farmers and they were educated about importance of rearing indigenous livestock. The animal health and other breeding related issues raised by livestock keepers were also addressed. A kit consiting of nutritional supplements and de-worming medicines was distributed to the 90 SC beneficiaries to enhance the productivity of their livestock. The effort is in accordance to the umbrella strategy of SCSP to ensure flow of targeted financial and physical benefits for the benefit of Scheduled Castes. The program was felicitated by Dr Sanjay Goyal, Incharge, Veterinary Hospital, Mustafabad and Sarpanch of Malli Majra village.