A women farmers and scientists interface meet under Schedule Caste Sub-Plan program was organized at Munak village in Karnal district (Haryana) on 07.03.2024 in collaboration with Haryana Pashu Vigya Kendra, Uchani (LUVAS) wherein 100 women farmers participated in the event. Dr. Satpal Dixit, Head (Animal Genetics), Dr. Indrajit Ganguly and Dr. Sanjeev Singh, Principal Scientists from ICAR-NBAGR, Dr. Anita Ganguly, Regional Director, Dr. Sujoy Khanna and Dr. Bishwaranjan Maharana from Haryana Pashu Vigya Kendra, Uchani (LUVAS) and Dr. Amit Kumar, Veterinary Officer, Munak, from Animal Husbandry Department (Haryana) participated in the meet. The officers interacted with the women farmers and explained in detail about the program, scientific housing, management and health aspects of livestock as well as characterization and conservation of Animal Genetic resources. Mineral mixture, liver tonic, calcium, dewormer, digestive stimulant etc were distributed among100 beneficiaries belonging to SC community. The women participants were encouraged to participate in the government schemes like Lakhpati Didi for the upliftment of their economic status.