Director Message
Established on 21st September, 1984 at Bangalore in the form of twin institutes namely ICAR- National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources and National Institute of Animal Genetics and then shifted to Karnal in 1985, the two institutes were merged to function as a single entity in the form of ICAR- National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (ICAR-NBAGR) in 1995. This premier institute is dedicated to work with its mandate of identification, evaluation, characterization, conservation and utilization of livestock and poultry genetic resources of the country.
Bureau has traveled a long journey in striving for excellence in innovative research to identify the uniqueness and genetic potential of country’s vastly distributed livestock and poultry biodiversity and its sustainable development. Among the major achievements to its credit are the characterization, documentation and registration of native breeds of cattle, buffalo, sheep, goat, equines, pig, camel, poultry and dog; identification of 1600 SNPs for various major candidate genes related to production, reproduction, environmental adaptation and disease resistance traits in different species; demonstration of higher frequency of desirable A2 beta casein allele in indigenous cattle and buffalo breeds, registration of livestock and poultry breeds; development of conservation models and establishment of database on indigenous livestock species.
We have also characterized some lesser known populations of indigenous livestock, and recently initiated Mission towards Zero Non-descript Population of India. Publication of a large number of bulletins covering most of the breeds of different species is a significant contribution of this organization in breed accreditation and documentation particularly in this era of globalization and intellectual property rights.
We have organized interface meetings with state animal husbandry departments and universities to sensitize them about native AnGR and devise strategies for their documentation. Under the Mission Zero ND, we have identified 40 new potential populations for further characterization. These efforts have deepened our understanding of the incredible genetic diversity and genomic uniqueness present in our native breeds. We have registered ten new breeds of indigenous livestock species in the country during 2022, bringing the total number of registered indigenous breeds to 212.
In line with our commitment to assess the risk status of indigenous breeds, NBAGR introduced the Breed Watchlist-2022. This Watchlist serves as a valuable indicator for prioritizing the conservation and efficient management of AnGR. Out of a total of 38 indigenous breeds at risk, we have successfully cryopreserved 20 at the National Gene Bank of the institute.
Establishment of breed conservation centres in the respective native breed tracts for in-situ conservation and national gene bank, DNA bank, somatic cell bank for ex-situ conservation at the institute level is a remarkable step for conservation of economically important and environmentally well adapted breeds. Bureau is regularly conducting various national and international trainings; demonstration/exhibition and sensitization programmes for the researchers, field functionaries, State AH officers and livestock keepers.
Information on various aspects generated and shared through this website is the result of hard work, commitment and dedication of my spirited team of scientists, technical, administrative and supporting staff for which they deserve compliments and appreciation. I welcome you to visit the site and take the opportunity to share information. We look forward for constructive feed-back and fruitful suggestions.